Secure Your Cloud-Native Applications

Security that enables business outcomes


Velocity vs. security

Cloud-native applications and infrastructure give your organization a competitive advantage by driving innovation and speed-to-market. But with development often outpacing security expertise, there are increased risks of unintentionally exposing business-critical data. 

Too many silos expand_more

Too many tools create silos

With new security challenges at every application development stage, a collection of siloed, disconnected, and complex tools have emerged to address risks. While some solutions are built for security and some for developers, only a few are designed to meet the needs of both. 

Secure build to runtime expand_more

Secure build to runtime

Writing secure code is always the intention, but pressure to ship software quickly may cause unintended risks. Security during a build can be challenging for both teams. If the security team discovers a runtime vulnerability, addressing it often causes friction. 

Lack of automation expand_more

Lack of automation and integration 

Traditional security controls don’t align with the delivery model of cloud-native applications. Cloud-native application teams choose their infrastructure and technology platforms to allow them to define everything as code. Security tools can’t always keep up


Security built for cloud-native

Trend Cloud One™ enables your team to meet the needs of security and development alike. Close security gaps using a tool that fits your environment with cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) capabilities while enabling visibility to manage risk and governance.

Consolidate native tools

Tools must enable more efficient outcomes with centralized visibility to understand your security posture and identify risks. Seeing resources and risks with application context and actionable remediation helps teams prioritize actions.

Build and run securely

Cloud security must fit effortlessly within your team’s existing toolset and processes to avoid impacting development or runtime. CNAPP capabilities should integrate and automate with your toolset, pipeline, issues management, and APIs for quicker detection and fewer false positives.

Security for cloud-native

Security should be defined as code just like the rest of a cloud-native application. Delivery of security code, policy, response, and visibility can all be controlled through APIs in the same way developers deliver functionality for the applications they build.

Trend Cloud One

Gain meaningful intelligence for security and developers with a powerful cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) that does more. Deploy security your way.

What customers say
The ability of Trend Cloud One to jump across multiple accounts to a single dashboard was really important to us.
Zach Evans,
Chief Technology Officer

Explore related resources


Workshops designed for your cloud security needs

Leverage training modules created by the teams at AWS and Trend


Build in the cloud with confidence

Map to the AWS Well-Architected Framework to build viable cloud architectures and meet ongoing compliance requirements


2023 Gartner® Market Guide for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms

Trend Cloud One is built to protect cloud-native applications

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Accelerating Innovation with Bridgestone

Learn how they are innovating and transforming themselves – securely.

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Secure your hybrid cloud

The most trusted cloud security platform for developers, security teams, and businesses


From build to runtime
Get the right information at the right time in the right place